- Call me. I’m here to help guide you through the process so you know what to expect along the way.
- Declutter. Donate and throw away as much as you can that you don’t intend to move to your next home. Box up anything you can live without while the house is for sale. You’re moving anyway, might as well package it up for the move. You may want to reduce some of the furniture to make a room feel open and inviting. Try to get closet usage down to 50% or less. Items on the kitchen counters and bathroom counters should be sparse. You want to make the home feel spacious.
- Clean. This is the time to do a deep clean. Floors, carpets, counters, cabinets, bathrooms… Don’t forget the curtains, blinds, baseboards, light switches and ceiling fans. A good clean should also remove any unwanted pet and stale food odors. Have a trusted friend come do a sniff test as sometimes living in a home makes you nose-blind to any odors.
- Depersonalize. All those great vacation souvenirs, family photos, and even the artwork on the fridge should to be packed away. The goal is for any potential buyer to be able to imagine themselves living in the home.
- Lighten up. Make sure all light bulbs are working. Open up the curtains/blinds. The idea is to make the home bright and welcoming.
- Curb appeal. You only have one chance to make a first impression. Plant some flowers, mow the yard, and possibly paint the front door. Potential buyers should want to see more of the home.
- Make easy minor repairs. It’s ok if you’re not interested in big updates to the home before you sell, but some minor things could make a difference. Fix leaky faucets, door squeaks, loose doorknobs… If you have brightly colored walls, you might consider painting them in a neutral color.

Declutter to get your home ready to sell.